Enter a password into the Password field and save. After it finishes the installation, you will see a Config window in the window, where you will need to make some changes. Launch and log in to Portainer. Run the Docker CE installation script . Network Configuration - Home Assistant Configure Home Assistant Check the devices on your network for one named something like Hassio or HassOS Log into Home assistant by opening Chrome and going to the IP listed or hassio.local and then add “:8123” to the end Once Home Assistant opens, you will be asked to create the first user account Set your location if you wish. Install Home Assistant as a Docker Container on OpenWrt. This allows Zigbee2MQTT to automatically add devices to Home Assistant. Here you can change sidebar entry orders. (You may have changed the ports since you set up the initial Home Assistant proxy.) Nun macht eine Rechtsklick auf den Ordner „HOME ASSISTANT“ und wählt den Eintrag „Netzlaufwerk verbinden…“, so habt ihr das Laufwerk auch später für Konfigurationen im Zugriff. to set up Home Assistant on Unraid Home Assistant OS Wi-Fi configuration file Raw my-network # File /config/network/my-network in hassos-boot partition [connection] id=my-network # Must be unique uuid=YOUR_UUID_NUMBER type=802-11-wireless [802-11-wireless] mode=infrastructure ssid=YOUR_WIFI_NAME #Uncomment below if your SSID is not broadcasted #hidden=true … For context i've set up a node affinity such that it hits the node with the zwave stick plugged into it. Home Assistant configuration in YAML - danimart1991's Blog Test your Docker Install (Optional) To test your docker install run the hello-world script: docker run hello-world. Just click install, wait a few seconds, and then hit “start”. Exposing Home Assistant using Cloudflare Tunnel Home Assistant IR Blaster Setup Guide: Broadlink Remote Once installed and a password has been set, click the Info tab to start the addon. Home Assistant Step 5. Select either full or partial snapshot. In future releases, you will be able to set up the configuration using the API/UI. Now Home Assistant is up and running on your local network with some initial configuration complete and basic security in place. This is part 3 of my Home Assistant Starter series. Configure WiFi connection - Home Assistant Community Setting up your own certificate. Click INSTALL. Configuration of WireGuard While you are still there on the same screen – scroll down a bit until you find “ Config ” section and paste the following config and adapt it to your needs:
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