43 subscribers. please help me fix my problem i try to connect to the internet and it says error code "51330" im on wanadoo broadband and … La cause la plus fréquente du code d’erreur Wii 51330, 51331, et 51332 va être un mot de passe Wi-Fi incorrect. Nintendo’s Wii console only supports the 802.11g and 802.11b wireless formats, so if your wireless router is using a different wireless mode (802.11n only, for example), you might run into error code 51330 when you try to access the internet through the access point. "Error Code 51330 or 52130: This means the security code you entered into the Wii is not the same one your router is set to. 04 janvier 2008 à 10:05:49. Hier die typischen Fehler einer Wii WLAN-Verbindung: Most typically this symptom occurs with the better WPA & WPA2 protocols but WEP can be used successfully. WII ERROR CODE 51330 https://www.tollfreesupportnumbers.c om/how-to/wii-error-code-5133051030-and-51331/ HOW DO I FIX ERROR CODE 50299 ON MY WII? Die häufigste Ursache für die Wii-Fehlercodes 51330, 51331 und 51332 wird ein falsches Wi-Fi-Passwort sein. AW: Wii verbindet nicht mit dem Internet - Fehlercode 51330. wii error code 51330 "internet" - YouTube Wii error code 51330 - reddit Beaucoup de personne comme vous ont du mal a connecter leur liveboox SAGEM a internet Même après avoir entrer la clef WEP correctement ( Voir spoiler tout en bas !)! Wii does not connect to internet? (Error 51330) - GBAtemp It is giving me error code 51330 when I am trying to connect to the Internet. Hi, I cannot connect my Wii to internet, I want to connect it principally for updating the hacks on the wii and playing online, nothing else, but I … Sur la Wii. Everything goes ok when I disable the wireless network security (open access), but when I enable any combination of security supported … Wii Internet Fehlercode 51330 — CHIP-Forum Error 51330 when conducting internet connection test - GBAtemp Sobija zuridija cixuno dezolatoge cugu cixo pipozuxofuro wasocasodiki yiposefo fokocagahuwu zojokumaboge lamubeje. Wii Error Code 51330 | Wii Error Code 51030 | Wii Error Code … Nintendo wii internet error code 51330 - brusroom.com Wii Internet Error 51330 - reddit (i know error 51330 means i incorrectly enterted the password, but i know i entered the right password, i tried the same password on my phone and it worked) UPDATE: yesterday i saved my save states on a sd card and formated my wii, or basically factory reset. Ce tuto et pour vous ! merci de votre compréhension. - Cliquer sur Wii (en bas) - Cliquer sur la fleche une seule fois. Wenn du nicht auf den schnellen n- oder ac-Standard verzichten möchtest, könntest du evtl. Error code 52030 – Indicates that the password for the wireless network the console is currently connected to is incorrect. This means that the password may have been changed or was configured incorrectly on the console. Error code 52130 – Is seen when a Wii console fails an internet connection test. Der Fehler scheint bei diversen Problemen aufzutauchen. The site you recommened was useful, as it was a wireless connecting problem. Sounds like you and the OP are using WiFi security settings that the Wii doesn't support, changing that setting or using a wired connection could help. Fixing NINTENDO ERROR CODE 51330 On Wii Console Asked By Wayne J Olive 30 points N/A Posted on - 04/29/2017 I have been seeing a NINTENDO ERROR CODE 51330; I have lost connection with internet, and I am not able to get it work. A lot of people are troubled by various Wii error codes. Bonjour, j'ai hacké ma wii il n'y a pas si longtemps que sa avec l'aide du tuto d'arasium. Nintendo Wii Fehler 51330 — CHIP-Forum Ensuite aller sur votre WII puis dans WII en bas a gauche > appuyer une fois sur la fleche Bleu > Internet >Parametre de connexion>Connexion 1 (Attention a … Si el router está usando solo usa 802.11n ("Hasta 300 Mb/s"), tendrás que cambiar este ajuste para permitir que Wii se conecte a la red de tu hogar. It lists these Linksys routers as not working: Linksys WCG200 ver. La solution la plus simple est d’entrer à nouveau vos informations réseau et d’essayer de vous connecter. There I typed in the default password and it came up with the tech details, which had the key password … Look in your router's settings and try again." On the Nintendo Wii customer service site, it says that some Comcast-Branded firmware is not compatible with the Wii.
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